In this module you will develop an idea of what Alaska Natives were experiencing in the years immediately prior to ANCSA, you will learn about treaties, how the federal government obtained lands from Indian tribes, …
Unit Two introduces students to the Alaska Federation of Natives and the Alaska Native Leaders who were involved in its inception. The organization has survived and grown over the years and is just as important …
Alaska Natives had prominent leaders before ANCSA but very few had any direct dealings with the U.S. Congress. The urgent need to settle land claims propelled a number of younger Natives into front-line leadership roles …
A search into the history of the ANCSA negotiations can bring up a confusing muddle of draft bills concerning Alaska Natives’ land claims, most of which are quite unlike the final document. Sometimes the question …
Alaska Natives were forced to operate in a very unfamiliar environment when they entered the land claims process. Lives were changed and career paths altered in ways that no-one had anticipated. People had to communicate …
Alaska Native leaders like the late Chief Peter John from Minto and the late Andrew Isaac, the traditional chief of Tanacross, provided forceful testimony about encroachments on traditional lands during hearings arranged in …
During the years of the land claims movement Alaska Native leadership was fairly fluid with a core group supported by many others from around the state who made valuable contributions when the time was right. …
Political activism and corporate management require two different sets of skills. Some of the Alaska Native leaders involved in the ANCSA negotiation phase then had to change hats and fill the newly created management and …
The leadership challenges faced by Alaska Natives who worked on implementing ANCSA were really quite unique. They had to start work in reverse, controlling corporations with operating mandates and large numbers of shareholders but no …
The village corporations were quite different from the regionals and had eligibility requirements based on population numbers. A village needed to have had at least 25 residents listed in the 1970 census in order to …
It is important to understand that in some areas quite significant amounts of land had been taken over by non-Native majority communities before ANCSA was negotiated and lands were withdrawn from the public domain to …
Your text for this course was written by an author who had extensive firsthand experience with the ANCSA negotiations. An impressive amount of research went into the writing of the book and its companion volume, …
ANCSA is loaded with complicated technical provisions. When you begin to examine these closely you start to have an understanding of how different the ANCs really are from mainstream corporations. No main stream corporation ever …
Some of the ANCSA corporations are extremely successful today. They have invested in a wide variety of businesses all over the United States, and some of them have invested internationally. Business subsidiaries include construction companies, …

Gov. Hickel meeting with native leaders. Image from Alaska State Library – Historical Collection.
This upper division/graduate level web based open course provides an advanced overview and analysis of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA). An in-depth look at the land claims movement of the 1960s will be highlighted by presentations by Alaska Native leaders who were key participants in the movement. The course will also closely review the legislative process that resulted in the passage of ANCSA focusing on firsthand accounts of those who were involved. The implementation phase of ANCSA will be examined as well as the crucial “1991 amendments.’ Case studies involving unique challenges of individual Native villages and regions will be discussed. Finally, contemporary issues facing ANCSA corporations will be examined.
After completing this web based course you will be able to:
- have a clear idea of what the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act is and why it was passed
- be familiar with the content of ANCSA
- be able to name all ANCSA regional corporations
- be able to identify the Alaska Native leaders who worked for a settlement
- know how ANCSA was implemented and what challenges followed
- have a working knowledge of how ANCSA differed from other indigenous land settlements
- be knowledgeable of current issues facing ANCSA corporation
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